Management Structure

The Maruha Nichiro Group's Medium-term Management Plan “For the Ocean, for Life MNV 2024”

Maruha Nichiro aims to create Maruha Nichiro Value (MNV) for all stakeholders in order to enhance enterprise value and achieve sustainable growth through the integration of management strategy and sustainability.

In the sustainability strategy in the Maruha Nichiro Group's Medium-term Management Plan "For the Ocean, for Life MNV2024” since FY2022, we have reviewed materiality and established KGIs (Ideal state by 2030) and KPIs for each materiality. The Maruha Nichiro Group has established promotion systems, including the Sustainability Committee, and will promote activities to realize materiality and achieve KPIs.

Management Structure

The Sustainability Committee of the Maruha Nichiro Group is chaired by the President & CEO and Representative Director, and consists of the executive officers who also serve as directors of Maruha Nichiro Corporation, officers in charge of related departments, and related Department Heads as committee members, with outside Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board Members as observers.

The Sustainability Committee is responsible for planning the overall Group sustainability strategy, setting targets, and evaluating the activities of each Group company. The Committee also actively engaged in discussions during the materiality review process of the new Medium-term Management Plan. Also, as for each materiality promotion framework after the review, we have launched projects in the areas of "reduction of plastic use and food loss" under the materiality of "Contributing to a recycling-oriented society" and "Food provision contributing to creating health value and sustainability." The project owner is the officer in charge of the project and the project leader is the relevant department head and cross-departmental efforts have begun.

Since FY2022, the Sustainability Committee has been meeting four times a year to manage the progress of each materiality on a quarterly basis. We will promote activities together as a Group to achieve KPIs identified in each materiality.

Maruha Nichiro Group Organization Structure for Sustainability Promotion

Maruha Nichiro Group Organization Structure for Sustainability Promotion

Purpose: Verification and evaluation of progress status of materiality and achievement of KPIs for the overall Maruha Nichiro Group's sustainability strategy, as well as sharing issues and information

Overview of Sustainability Committee

Chairperson: President & CEO and Representative Director
Secretariat: Sustainability Group, Corporate Planning Department
Frequency of meetings: Twice a year (ad hoc committee meetings held as necessary)
Committee members: Executive Officers acting as Directors, Executive Officers in charge of related departments, and related Department Heads of Maruha Nichiro Corporation
Purpose: Verification and evaluation of progress status of the Medium-term Sustainable Management Plan for the Group overall, sharing issues and information

Susatainability Commitee Results for FY2022

In FY2022, the Sustainability Committee met four times to deliberate on the following agenda. The agenda items and details are distributed to responsible persons and persons in charge of environmental concerns of each Maruha Nichiro Corporation department and group company in an effort to share information with all employees.

Times Convened: 4

Main agenda of the Sustainability Committee in FY2022 Main agenda content
Review of previous Medium-term Sustainability Management Plan
  • Progress on the numerical target of "Creation of Environmental Value"
  • Progress on other materiality
Progress of materiality in the Medium-term Management Plan “For the ocean, for life MNV2024”
  • Progress on three projects (plastics use reduction, food loss reduction, and food provision contributing to creating health value and sustainability)
  • Progress on other materiality
Reflection of non-financial indicators in personnel evaluations for FY2023
  • A part of personnel evaluation of Maruha Nichiro Corporation employees includes  the progress and achievement of materiality initiatives
Implementation of TCFD scenario analysis
  • In addition to the Aquaculture Business Unit in FY2021, targets of TCFD scenario analysis have been expanded to include the Fishery Business, Marine Products Trading, Overseas Business, Processed Foods Business, and Foodstuff Distribution Business units.

In FY2023, meetings will be held quarterly to deliberate on various topics, including the status of KPI achievement for each materiality of the Sustainability Strategy.

Internal Dissemination Measures

Conducting Group Philosophy Training

Group Philosophy Training is a training program developed based on our experience that the Group Philosophy was not resonating with employees following the pesticide contamination incident at AQLI Foods in 2013. From FY2022, we updated the content of this training program with the aim of making the Group Philosophy more personal for employees. Instead of the Company unilaterally explaining the Group Philosophy, the purpose is to provide a space for each employee to independently consider the relationship and connection between their daily work and the Group Philosophy, and to further understand the philosophy as their own.

We have gradually rolled out this philosophy training to all employees of Group companies and all business sites of Maruha Nichiro Corporation, and the training is led by officers of the Company. In FY2022, due to COVID-19 we decided not to conduct group training for all employees, but instead conducted Group Philosophy training for new and mid-career employees of the Company and domestic Group who had not yet attended Group Philosophy training, using an online format.

Third round of the Group Philosophy Training
Third round of the Group Philosophy Training