Better Workplaces

Basic Approach

In the Maruha Nichiro Group's broad-ranging supply chain, human resources are active at a variety of sites, including fishing, aquaculture, processing, storage and logistics, and sales bases. We recognize that ensuring the health and safety of our employees leads to increased productivity and greater employee awareness, which is essential for sustainable corporate growth, and we are working to maintain and promote occupational health and safety.

Management Structure

Occupational Health and Safety Management Structure

Maruha Nichiro has acquired ISO 45001* certification for its six directly managed plants and the Chemical Bioscience Production Group.

*ISO45001: International standard for occupational health and safety management systems

Main Initiatives in FY2022

Occupational Accident Incidents

The products developed over the years have become more complex and diverse, and the details of work-related accidents have become correspondingly more complicated. The Maruha Nichiro Group is striving to reduce the number of industrial accidents by sharing information on industrial accidents that occur within the Group.

The following table shows the number of occupational accidents that occurred in the Maruha Nichiro Group in fiscal 2022. We will continue our efforts to prevent occupational accidents in the future.

Occupational Accidents in the Maruha Nichiro Group in FY2022 (Maruha Nichiro Corporation + 27 Major Group Companies)

Frequency rate2.95
Intensity rate0.06

Frequency rate = number of fatalities and injuries due to occupational accidents/total number of working hours x 1,000,000
Frequency rate = number of days lost due to work-related accidents/total number of working hours x 1,000,000

[Scope of survey]
Maruha Nichiro Group (survey covers the following domestic companies: Aisia, Kannonji Seafoods, Kyushu Uoichi, Kyushu Chuo Uoichi, Koyo Suisan, Sangurume, Shinko Seafoods, Daikyo Seafoods, Daito Seafoods, Daito Seafoods, Taiyo A&F, Taiyo Foods, Central Surimi Laboratory, Maruha Nichiro Yamagata, Delica Wave (Shonan Factory, Niigata Factory, Maruha Nichiro Seafoods, Maruha Nichiro Livestock, Nihon Silo, Maruha Nichiro Asset, Maruha Nichiro North Japan, Maruha Nichiro Kyushu, Maruha Nichiro Logistics, Maruha Nichiro Retail Service, Yayoi San Foods, Ryukyu Taiyo, Hayashida Food Industry, Marine Access), Maruha Nichiro (Headquarters and branches, Livestock Products Division I Tokachi, Central Research Laboratory, Development Center, directly managed plants, Kasei Bio [Mori, Utsunomiya])

Prevention of Long Working Hours

The Maruha Nichiro Group has established committees on occupational safety and health at each business site based on employment regulations and collective labor agreements to "prevent long working hours," and is taking measures such as confirming the actual status of overtime work and identifying problems in the workplace. In addition, Maruha Nichiro Corporation has adopted a flexible work schedule with no core working hours for all departments at the head office and branch offices, in an effort to realize flexible work styles and prevent long working hours.

Average overtime hours in FY2022 (per month): 20.5 hours

*Maruha Nichiro Corporation employees (including regular employees hired at Maruha Nichiro directly managed plants)

Implementation of Labor Relations Managers' Meeting

The Maruha Nichiro Group has made the "promotion of safe and comfortable workplaces" one of its top priorities and continues to hold meetings of labor affairs managers. The Labor Managers' Meeting is an annual meeting of labor managers from Group companies. At the meeting, participants discuss how to respond to revised labor-related laws and precedents, and exchange information on labor-related issues within the Group.

Improving the Working Environment at Aquaculture Farms

Work at aquaculture farms tends to place a heavy physical burden on employees. Maruha Nichiro is working to improve the working environment for employees working at aquaculture farms by utilizing the latest machinery and AI/IoT technologies.